About La Roca Ministries!

Listen to our interview with Missions Today!

La Roca Ministries and its staff have been reaching and touching people's lives since 1998. The people we serve find themselves enslaved to drugs, alcohol, and prostitution and living on the streets of Tijuana, Mexico, and now beyond through out satellite locations. We desire to mirror Christ's love, compassion, and concern for these people of all ages.

It has been said, "Give a person a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a life." We believe in "teaching people how to fish." We want to see lives transformed, and we believe that comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our program seeks to help rebuild lives by making disciples, raising up men, women, and teens as future leaders and missionaries, and sending them forth to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.

By God's Grace and direction, Carlos Montoya began his ministry in 1998 by penetrating, befriending, and meeting the needs of the drug gang members.  He would then invite them to his church and present the message of Jesus Christ to them. Slowly, the men saw the need to change their lifestyle and a desire to be free from their addiction (drugs or alcohol). This need grew into the Rehab Ranch in the year 2000. From there, other aspects of the La Roca Ministries grew: the Orphanage, Men's Shelter, and the Dump Ministry. Today, La Roca has over eight ministry areas, all growing from within and meeting the needs of the local people of Tijuana and San Diego.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. You are making a difference today and for eternity!