February 2012 Newsletter

Greetings and as you may know January of 2012 marked La Roca’s sixteenth year of proclaiming the goodness of God and serving the poor in Tijuana Mexico. God’s people again showed their commitment to God’s mission, and friends like you contributed to our work through your prayers, gift, and encouraging letters. Even though of the worldwide economic uncertainty, you helped us under the Lord’s providence, to sustain and increase our outreach to the lost and devastated. We deeply appreciate your willingness to stand with us.

I have exciting news on our progress of the funds to buy the church building! As of January we have raised $48,000.00, with 17 months left and still needing to raise another $171,000.00 dollars. Remember all things are possible with our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, please continue to keep us in your prayers and the Lords blessing upon us during this critical point in our history, for our efforts are pointless without God’s approval. As the founder of the La Roca Ministries, I have to be convinced that the money you send to us is spent in an efficient and effective way, the way God would approve of! I feel that we are translating your gifts into helping and making disciples for Jesus Christ from the poorest of the poor, and part of that confirmation comes also from letters and emails I continue to receive from many that have come with us. “My life has not been the same since coming down with you…” Thanks!

This year we are going all out in reaching the Zona Norte, we have brought in our big guns, like Rudy and his wife Sofia and Rosalina which is our main teacher for our small groups at the old dump and women’s studies. The women’s outreach at the shelter continues to grow as the word gets out that they are allowed to shower and get a clean change of clothes! It’s surprising to see so many women homeless of all ages, but especially those who are senior’s citizens with nowhere to go.

There is one woman that shows up all the time, her name is Christina and she loves to sit behind the pulpit. She lives in the streets and almost everybody knows her. She smells quite bad and you know when she walks in, to the point that a few have requested for her to stop coming, but Rosalina said no, we welcome all and nobody is turned away!

That is why we call it the ministry of Grace; we must learn to love one another regardless of the looks and smells! Sometimes when small groups are formed, they become like a club of just believers. Can I challenge you to be the ice breaker, go to those who are new, to those who smell or stand out. Please do not forget we are the church. We do not go to church, because we are the church! Got it!

Andres and his wife Rosa has taken over the leadership at the discipleship ranch. Andres has been with us 14 years out of the 16 years severing, we could not have somebody more qualified. We have 24 men, plus the staff. Please continue to pray For Andres and family as they serve with all their hearts!

Another area that we are having a hard time keeping up with the growth is the orphanage. We have 34 kids plus staff and we are half way done with the expansion of the boy’s room. We need anybody that knows how to build and some cash to get the job done. We need bunk beds; shelf’s and so on, so would you please consider helping us and the children have more space.

The men’s shelter continues to grow to the point that some men are sleeping outside with just a tent over then. And as you see in the picture, the hall way is full all the way to the door. But since we are the cleanness and the strongest point is how we treat all with the Love of Christ many prefer to be with us than anywhere else. So would you consider helping us finish the upstairs, where we are about 80% done and almost ready to move the shelter upstairs? This will give us the flexibility we need for the church and the youth group and all the other outreaches we have more freedom to do more ministry, having the shelter have its own space.

So again we want to thank you for making 2011 a successful year and for allowing us to start 2012 with high expectations! Thanks for being part of the La Roca family as we serve the Lord together!

In His Passion, Carlos & Rossy and family