February 2013 Newsletter

My Dear Friends;

Hope is going well with you and family! Can you believe it; the month of January is gone. We have been so busy with the negotiations for the purchase of the shelter and church building; both my wife and I are ready to go on a retreat!

Our new update on the fund rising for the purchase is slowing coming along; we are approaching the $90,000.00 dollars mark, with 129,000.00 dollars still needed. We are asking the owner to grant us addition time. He said maybe, but need to come up with a large deposit and just maybe, give us more time. Some new people and a couple new churches are partnering with us this year 2013. Which is quite encouraging? Can’t wait to see how God is going to move in the hearts of those who are around us, even those whom we do not know!

The ranch is coming along, providing very important discipleship training, for out of the ranch we have our feature leaders.We are not just planning for today, but we are raising men for the future generations to come! We are not just getting people of drugs, we are making disciples that are committed to serve the Lord and be willing to say, I Paul a bondservant of Christ! (Romans 1:1) We have twenty four men but various from time.

I want all you to know, that there is nothing better than hearing these men say, I have decided to dedicate the rest of my life to serving Jesus! I have heard this many times from people, but it never gets stale! Such fervency of the soul should be the heartbeat of every believer!

The house of Grace continues to be an awesome ministry. You can’t help but fall in love with all the children. They have so much love to give, but also have so much need of being loved! We have 30 children, from our youngest of 2 years old to our oldest of 20 years old. It’s such a blessing being able to see these children grow up is a safe home, with love around then!

From walking the streets of Tijuana, I am so grateful for God blessing us with this home and the staff that is in the front line battling for these little ones lives!The shelter continues to grow and it’s an amazing place to be. Where 140 people stay per night, where they can shower and receive a warm meal and have a safe place to sleep!

There is one man who has been a trouble maker almost from the beginning, his name is Alejandro and is 55 years old. Who was never satisfied and was willing to share his mind with you, but like a month ago he deceived to go to the ranch. And let me tell you one thing, this man has changed, talking of becoming a new creation? He is a perfect example of God’s Grace and power to transform somebody from the inside out!

The dump ministry has been an extension of what our youth is doing now. Our goal is to go twice a month, to take clean water and food to the children of the dump. And of course we share to Gospel of Jesus Christ! As many of you know me, all that we do we do in His Name. We are not secret believers hiding behind a non-profit status! His Word goes out from our mouths! Praise God for His faithfulness!

I would like to finish with this, anybody can believe in God. What it means to be a Christian is to trust him when He specks, which does not require a leap of faith or a crucifixion of the intellect. It requires a crucifixion of pride, because no one is more trustworthy than God! Amen! I want to  say,  thank you; I have no other words that I can say. I am so grateful to God and His living church. Who has provide in ways what still leaves my mouth wide open. Thanks for believing in us – we go because He is worthily and we go knowing that we do not have to come back! Praise God!!