November 2016 Newsletter


Greetings to all my dear brothers and sisters,

Can you believe it? We are quickly approaching the last months of 2016! With so much stuff and ministry taking place, it’s keeping us all busier than ever! With that, comes some frustrations as well, but we continue to move forward and learn to put it all before the Lord.


One thing that has been frustrating is, Nancy and Susan, who were with us for over a year at the Orphanage, are both living at the dump again because their father, Felipe, took them back! Please pray for Felipe, and that God would move in his heart to bring back the girls. That way they can continue in their schooling, among many other things!


New Update, we have a new family of six who came seeking refuge about a month ago. The mother left a very troubling environment, which I don’t feel comfortable getting into. But to make a long story short, her older daughter, Yudith, had a child from the father, so you can imagine the rest. Daniel (7), Anthony (10) and Emmanuel (4), are staying at the Orphanage; the mother, Irma, and Yudith, are staying at the women’s shelter, and the other two older boys, Wesley, and Emerzon, are staying at the shelter with the youth. Reasons like this are why we are in a hurry to finish building the boys dorm; which we expect to be finishing by the end of the year.  So please keep Irma and her family in your prayers. By the way, Irma and the older children are all Christians.

By this we fulfill what is said in Galatians 6:10: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith!


So as you can see, the boys’ dorm is on high demand. Please pray that all goes well with the building of the dorm and that we can finish it on time.  We also have hired a new person. His name is Santiago, and he is related to Alex, our youth pastor; both of them will be in charge of the new dorm for the Teens.

The dorm for teens will be completely separated from the rest of the children. They will have their own showers, kitchen, and study room. We are very excited to have this new addition finished soon! I am also quite pleased with the work that our staff is doing. They are being led by an engineer named Jaime.

Another thing that is keeping us quite busy, is all the new regulations we are facing at the shelter. Please pray for us all as we move to comply with all the tasks! We might be needing a new commercial refrigerator, which is quite expensive; costing around $2,800 plus taxes.


Also, Juan Antonio finally has his appointment for his eye surgery on November 26th. We started helping him on September 16th, and it’s been a long haul. There have been many trips in and out of the dump, and staying at the shelter for days. It’s finally approaching, the day to have his eye sight restored. Praise God!


We also had a great success with the Celebration of Jesus Christ on the 31st of October. We had games, food, dramas and dances. But most importantly, Jesus was proclaimed to all! It was a wonderful night, and it could not have been possible without your prayers and support! Thank you!

We here at La Roca, desire for you and your family to have a wonderful Thanksgiving; we have so much to be grateful for! What better time to give, than on these special days. To share with others the many blessings we have received. But it goes beyond just sharing; we give because God has called us to participate in advancing His Kingdom here on earth, until He comes for us!


So again, thanks for keeping us in your prayers and for your investment in God’s Kingdom. Please join us on facebook CarlosRossy Montoya and La Roca del Alfarero so you can keep up with all that is taking place on a weekly basis!

Your Missionaries,

Carlos and Rossy and the rest of the team