February 2015 Newsletter
The first thing I want to do is thank you for all your prayers; for believing in us and not giving up on us! Well, we have big news. An unknown person has provided the rest of the funds for the purchase of the church and shelter property! What a Praise report! God is good, Amen! Let us all shout with joy and proclaim God’s goodness, for He is good all the time!
December 2014 Newsletter
I would love to thank each one of you for your prayers and support! It has been another amazing year and we have been blessed by God by allowing us to open up a small church of 25 at the dump. We are there for 3 days: Sunday to Tuesday!
November 2014 Newsletter
It’s amazing to see how time has flown by. It doesn’t help that it gets darker earlier! Christmas decorations are out before October 31st and it kind of throws you off, but ready or not, here we go!
October 2014 Newsletter
We are marching forward into October with so many activities including: sending off Federico, mother and Nacho into the Tijuana dump, 2 weddings, a Graffiti contest on Oct 25th, and celebrating Jesus night on the 31st. On top of all that, our annual board meeting on October 17th! Please pray for all of us, as we have began our busiest time of the year, all the way till the end of 2014.
September 2014 Newsletter
Well summer is over! With Halloween and Christmas supplies and decorations all around us, it’s hard not to over look that summer is over!
Our kids are back in school with all new uniforms and school supplies, and a list a mile long. It’s nothing but a miracle that all the needs are met though the body of Christ. I can’t imagine doing all this without all those who faithfully support us in prayer and financially.