January 2016 Newsletter
Greeting to all, what a wonderful and strong finish we had in the month of December. All of us here at La Roca want to THANK YOU for making all of it possible! We are excited for what awaits us in 2016!
December 2015 Newsletter
Since the Thanksgiving celebration, where we had around 250 people for dinner, things have not slowed down!
We of course did not do this by ourselves, our dear brothers from Sacramento have been faithfully helping us out during Thanksgiving week for 10 years now! Thanks to all for being faithful, we could not have done it without them!
November 2015 Newsletter
How time flies by; I really can’t believe that Christmas and Thanksgiving are both just around the corner again! However, we should be excited, considering that we will be celebrating and giving thanks for the birth of our savior and redeemer!It’s unfortunate that we get so wrapped up with all the dinners, gifts and events that we lose sight of the most important event of this season! So I want to tell you all to stop and take a breath and give thanks, and then have a wonderful Christmas celebration, Amen!
October 2015 Newsletter
We are in the month of October and I can’t believe that Christmas decorations are already out in full force! I love these times that are just around the corner. We have so much to be thankful for! God has been good this year in allowing us to advance His kingdom to the four corners of Tijuana!
September 2015 Newsletter
Well summer is over! With Halloween and Christmas supplies and decorations all around us, it’s hard not to over look that summer is over!
Our kids are back in school with all new uniforms and school supplies, and a list a mile long. It’s nothing but a miracle that all the needs are met though the body of Christ. I can’t imagine doing all this without all those who faithfully support us in prayer and financially.