March 2019 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

March 2019 Newsletter

As always, I want to give you all a big thank you! We are not able to do it without you! Thank you for both your prayers and support. They are both greatly needed!

First update, we are raising funds to bring water to the ranch including plans and permits for construction of a new orphanage.

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January 2019 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

January 2019 Newsletter

Greeting to all!

The start of 2019 has begun with much excitement because of what God is going to do! We left 2018 with a bang and are entering 2019 with the same momentum!

We received $20,000 to begin the new kitchen, restrooms, classrooms and new chapel at the ranch. We look forward to inviting the neighborhood for prayer and church services! Please pray for an additional $80,000 to complete this project before the close of 2019.

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December 2018 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

December 2018 Newsletter

Greetings my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

What do you want for Christmas? Or, maybe I should ask what do you expect? Well, I don’t know what each one of you might desire, or what each one of you deserves, or if you have been naughty or nice….I’m just grateful that God doesn’t measure us this way in order to qualify us to receive His free gift of salvation!

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Administrator Administrator

November 2018 Newsletter

Our hope is as you read this letter, you and your family be well and encouraged in the Lord; for He is faithful. It’s amazing to reflect back to when we first stated as La Roca ministries in March of 1998.

So many people told me to wait until we have enough money and personnel. I remember saying to myself, the money is God's job.

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Administrator Administrator

September 2018 Newsletter

I'd like to start by saying sorry for being a little late with this month Newsletter!

I know many are waiting to hear of how things are coming along in the state of Sonora!

First of all, they are great! We are planning another trip there on October 3rd. We are going to pick up the donation papers and continue the preparation of the disciples.

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