August 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

August 2023 Newsletter

Greetings to all our brothers and sisters in the Lord! We have Great News!

Our Lord God has provided the funds needed to buy the Mission Center including the shelter, church and headquarters of La Roca Ministries in Tijuana! What a praise report! Pray that we conclude the transaction in a timely manner!

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June 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

June 2023 Newsletter

Greetings to all our brothers and sisters in the name of the Lord!

Summer is here! Children are out of school and the hectic rhythms of life shifts a little. It is the season to take a little more time with family and friends. Maybe some travel or other leisure options will become available.

Here at La Roca, we are looking forward to praising our Lord Jesus Christ, by been able to announce the purchase of the mission center and headquarters! The Good News is that we have raised $75,000.00 dollars, but we need an additional $70,000.00 dollars within the next 30 days! If we cannot raise the total amount of $145,000.00 by July, we will have to withdrawal funds from our general account leaving us short for our monthly bills and the support our missionaries depend on! So please prayerfully consider what each one of you can do with this great opportunity our Lord God has been given to us in our twenty fifth year anniversary serving our Lord together!

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May 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

May 2023 Newsletter

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ,

My thankfulness for your partnership was recently deepened as I considered all we have seen the Lord do together these past twenty-five years! God has graciously provided for La Roca Ministries through your support, prayers, and generosity. Many prostitutes, gang members, and people caught in the web of substance abuse have come to Christ – but more people still need our help.

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Administrator Administrator

April 2023 Newsletter

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

I hope everyone had a great and meaningful Easter, reflecting on what Jesus Christ did for all of us! Amen!

I have some GREAT NEWS – but it comes with an urgency that I was not expecting!

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March 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

March 2023 Newsletter

Your commitment to advance the kingdom of God here in Mexico through your prayerful support grows more meaningful day by day! As I said in our last letter, “words can’t describe our gratitude to each one of you for standing next to us! Together we are reaching and impacting so many people’s lives in Mexico! You are making gospel ministry happen all around!”

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