Administrator Administrator

July 2012 Newsletter

The beginning of this summer has taken a whole new twist. The shelter which usually houses 90 to 100 men per night, jumped in a matter of days to 140 people. For what reason you might ask, well, I do not have the whole answer, but I do have some information regarding the problem in our Nation. 1st the high increase of people being deported, 2nd the high percentage of people struggling with addictions. 3rd the homeless population continues to increase for lost of jobs, or their part time job does not provide the income to pay for their apartment or room.

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Administrator Administrator

April 2012 Newsletter

Many blessing be upon you and your family! We want to give you a warm   THANKS for your continued support and for believing in us! Your dedication has enabled us to work tirelessly on behalf of the Truth. We are so busy with so many ministries taking place and teaching the truth.

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Administrator Administrator

February 2012 Newsletter

Greetings and as you may know January of 2012 marked La Roca’s sixteenth year of proclaiming the goodness of God and serving the poor in Tijuana Mexico. God’s people again showed their commitment to God’s mission, and friends like you contributed to our work through your prayers, gift, and encouraging letters. Even though of the worldwide economic uncertainty, you helped us under the Lord’s providence, to sustain and increase our outreach to the lost and devastated. We deeply appreciate your willingness to stand with us.

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