May 2017 Newsletter
How time flies by; I can´t believe we are in the month of May already! Thanks to God for working in the hearts of His people! It allows us to move forward in all the different ministries that we do, especially at the dump.
March 2017 Newsletter
Time continues to fly by and we are headed into the most important celebration of the Christian faith; our Lords death and resurrection! His resurrection from the dead is declared in Holy Scripture, announcing to the world the Kingship of Jesus.
February 2017 Newsletter
2017 has had a great start for us, thanks to your prayers and faithful support!
One major project that has not been completed yet, is the boy’s dorm. Because of the many things we have had to repair in the existing house (including building two new staircases as the original ones did not pass inspection), we are behind schedule in completion.
December 2016 Newsletter
It’s amazing how fast time has gone by, and now Christmas is just around the corner! If you have been following us through facebook, Carlos Rossy Montoya, you have seen how busy we have been with all the activities, and the many children we have been able to bless!
November 2016 Newsletter
Can you believe it? We are quickly approaching the last months of 2016! With so much stuff and ministry taking place, it’s keeping us all busier than ever! With that, comes some frustrations as well, but we continue to move forward and learn to put it all before the Lord.