September 2019 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

September 2019 Newsletter

Greetings to all our dear family!

May I start off by thanking each one of you for your prayers and support! Our Lord works through each of you to expand His ministry beyond measure.

I would like to jump right in with a short testimony of Fabian who is 34 years old and has been with us now five months! He came from Chiapas Mexico which is at the south end of Mexico!

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August 2019 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

August 2019 Newsletter

Greetings to our dear friends and family in the Lord!

We have some awesome testimonies in this newsletter, so I will not waste any time!

Aldo is a 12 year old boy in our orphanage who has been with us for 7 years.

He has been praying for his mother Laura, who has been in a very violent relationship with a man who does not want to take responsibility.

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July 2019 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

July 2019 Newsletter

Greetings to all our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord!

I have so much to write about, that I would like to start off by saying thanks for reading this letter!

I would like to share a short testimony from a brother who recently found Christ at Jesus Impacto de Amor, our third church plant!

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June 2019 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

June 2019 Newsletter

It’s amazing how fast time flies. We are moving forward as God leads and anxious to be obedient to Him!

I sometimes find myself in the flesh, thinking what would happen if funds don’t come in this month? What would happen if funds dry up?

God is our plan A, there is no plan B because this is His work and ministry. He is moving in the hearts of His church to support His work!

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Administrator Administrator

May 2019 Newsletter

Greetings to all! May you all be blessed in health and Spirit!

We finish the month of April with great joy and excitement! 

Our dear Anahi has been blessing us for many years administrating in our office.  She has become part of our family over the years so we are delighted Alejandro and Anahi have joined forces to become a powerful witness for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Pray for Anahi and Alejandro as they become one in Christ through marriage.

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