January 2024 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

January 2024 Newsletter

Greetings to all our dear friends and partners.

The year of 2024 is here, may the Lord of Glory bless us as we continue walking in His work through His open doors! Even though 2024 will have its challenges, we move forward in what God has called us to do!

I would like to share with you about the three children we just received at the beginning of this year! First, Camila, a 11 year old girl who was brough to us by her mother because of abuse by a stepfather! The first thing we did is get Camila registered into school! Then, equally important, we were able to put her under the care of our psychiatrists.

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Administrator Administrator

December 2023 Newsletter

Can you believe it, Christmas is right around the corner and 2023 will soon be history! But not before we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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November 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

November 2023 Newsletter

As we started the count down for the end of 2023, we approached the month of November with a grateful heart! We began celebrating the victories God has provide for the past 25 years!

The Gala was more than we anticipated. Two weeks before that Gala, there were only 46 registered attendees; we reduced our food requirements from 100 to 80. Then, in the last week before the Gala, we were approaching 80 but some were still not committed! So, we decided to plan for 100 as originally planned! By the end of the Gala evening, there were 118 people, including the DA of San Diego, and City Council of San Ysidro, and many more close friends who have supported La Roca Ministry almost from the beginning!

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October 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

October 2023 Newsletter

Greetings to all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We trust all of you are doing well and staying strong!

We cannot believe it! The Gala is just around the corner! By the time you receive this letter our Gala will only be days away. If, at the last moment, you are able to come, please do! Just show up and pay at the door but please let us know, if by smoke signals, phone, Messager, telegram or Facebook! One thing for sure, we would love to have you here in person, to embrace you in the Love and kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ! Remember, you can buy tickets at Facebook, Carlos Rossy Montoya or La Roca Del Alfarero.

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September 2023 Newsletter
Administrator Administrator

September 2023 Newsletter

It’s incredible to see time fly by so fast, that the end of the season of 2023 is already here. This is why we work so hard at La Roca, making every day count. Looking back at twenty-five years of service for our Lord Jesus Christ and saying, where has the time gone! Praise God, we still have more time to serve, Lord willing!

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