July 2021 Newsletter
Greetings, we hope you have a great summer!
I would like to thank you for being part of the family and your involvement in our outreach through La Roca Ministries.
We have received through the years many testimonies of the impact your support makes possible! I wish I could share all the testimonies we have seen with our own eyes.
I would like to say, be encouraged, God is using you!
Let us not get tired of doing good, glorifying God through our good works!
Here is an example of one of our many testimonies!
Christian is a man who went to the ranch to get his life in order, despite having a family! His wife’s name is Alejandra and his oldest boy’s name is Christian, the youngest is Jahaziel!
It was a very hard decision for them to make, considering that Christian the father was the only one that worked! So La Roca committed itself to help Christian’s family with food and whatever else might be needed!
Christian just got baptize this June and is so happy in his new change in the Lord! He says he is without words to express his gratitude to God first and La Roca for everything we have done!
So, I would like to thank each one of you, for sharing and making this possible! Together, one life at a time, we can bring change to Tijuana and the world!
In the Zona Norte our kids club is growing tremendously and everybody is excited with the beginning of summer! Mothers and grandmothers are also coming! We are also planning VBS, youth camp and so many other activities for our kids! So please keep us in mind, as we will be needing funds to help support all these activities for our kids that are so excited after a long hard year of being on lock down! Volunteers are also needed!
At the Orphanage, all our kids are doing well! Our youth are doing great! Six children have finished middle school and are excited to start high school! And with this growth also comes much needed bracelets!
Two of our boys are going to soccer school this summer, Oscar and Jesus! Two of our better players! We have hired a music teacher, to come and teach music and singing classes to all who want to learn! We are also, trying to comply with all the new requirements that D.I.F. places on us without one pesos of help! We have weekly doctor’s and psychiatrist house visits! And all this adds up at the end of each month!
In Sonora our kid’s outreach is likewise growing in our 4 locations, with the many activities we are doing such as Hiking, sports, bible classes, and VBS.
We need volunteers! Please consider coming and serving here with us! Your help is much need ed! We also need a small SUV in good working conditions for Sonora! If you know of one, please consider us, thanks a million!
At the dump, much help is needed! Now that the temperatures are getting very hot! Water is being used faster than we can order! Can you help?
Our outreach to the Zona Norte, great news! One young lady have left the prostitution and gone back home to her family! And many others are being reached with the Gospel! We cannot show pictures and give out names, I know you all understand!
We are also keeping quite busy with the feeding and outreach at the immigrant’s camp, where we are feeding hundreds every Thursday and Fridays! We had one woman that was reached and she wanted to be baptized. So, we took out our portable tub and pastor Alex baptized her on the spot! As you see our team is keeping quite busy, doing the Lord’s work!
Again, thank you all for being here for us! You make it possible for us to be there for the thousands we reach out to!
Again, thank you for being part of La Roca family, together we are expanding God’s kingdom!
In His Love and Truth, Carlos and Rossy and the rest of the La Roca team!