February 2022 Newsletter
This year has started with much cold and snow throughout the USA while we here in Tijuana are having a normal winter! Our prayers go out to all those families who have lost a family members because of the severe weather!
We want to thank each one of you for your faithful support and prayers especially during these confusing days! Thanks for believing in us and being faithful to our God!
December 2021 Newsletter
Greeting to all, on these very special days we are all celebrating!
Thanksgiving was great!
Thanks to all for your prayers and support making all La Roca possible!
Most of our people in ministry were able to come together from the 4 corners of Tijuana to celebrate this very special day of gratitude! We enjoyed a warm meal and much love, but most importantly, giving thanks of our Lord Jesus for being our provider and our God! But now is the time to prepare for all our Christmas outreaches.

November 2021 Newsletter
Greeting to all our family and friends!
Wow, can you believe it! With so much craziness going around the world these last two years, and thanksgiving is just around the corner.
For many Thanksgivings is simply “turkey day.” But to us, Thanksgiving is unique and a very special celebration!

October 2021 Newsletter
Hope all are doing well and strong in the Lord! May I challenge you all to do a good deed and share our Savior with someone, before we let this year come to an end! We still have 3 months left, so let us be busy doing our Lord’s work!
Well, we are going into our second Covid year and many church ministry groups still have not returned! All I can say is, we miss you … more than we can put into words! Your smiles, your hugs and words of encouragement bring so many blessings to our kids and adults!

September 2021 Newsletter
Greetings to all! Hope your summer was a productive one!
Remembering we are the church of Christ, and first responders in time of trouble and distress!
It is sin which brings guilt, despair and shame! Jesus brings the solution to the problem of sin. He is the one who can release us from guilt, despair and shame! Jesus Christ is the answer!