August 2021 Newsletter
Well regardless of the month we are in, we as usual are quite busy with all the ministry we do!
Our feeding and outreach to the immigrant’s camp continues to grow, from the hundreds to the thousands!
We are also bringing anywhere from 25 to 50 to the church every Friday. So they can take a warm shower and receive clean cloths and a warm meal, but last but not least God’s Word!

July 2021 Newsletter
Greetings, we hope you have a great summer!
I would like to thank you for being part of the family and your involvement in our outreach through La Roca Ministries.
We have received through the years many testimonies of the impact your support makes possible! I wish I could share all the testimonies we have seen with our own eyes.

June 2021 Newsletter
We have some fantastic news, our evangelistic team to the Zona Norte red light district, have ripped one of our first fruits! Berenice who was the first one to accept an invention to have some coffee and hear the salvation plan without all the pressures of the job!
Berenice received the Lord, and weeks later has decided to go back home and leave the life of prostitution! That’s a praise report and there are two more who have accepted an invitation to our women’s retreat in the second week of June!

April 2021 Newsletter
Hope you all find yourselves strong in the faith, because He is trustworthy!
There is so much to write about and so much good news!
But first I want to share with you an exciting story and how the Lord uses us and at the same blesses us and others.
Then, I also want to make an announcement about how you can now join us in sharing what is already going on at La Roca Ministries.

March 2021 Newsletter
Our new year has been very hectic but we hope all have settled in from this crazy beginning! But, believe it or not, we are already entering the third month of 2021!
It’s crazy, how time flies by so quickly, and we won’t let up!
As I have said many times, we need to stay focused on what God has called us to do! It’s easy to get distracted. This is why we must keep our eyes on Jesus!